The Most Efficient Patio Heater is Not Even Close to Being Affordable

A few years ago I bought a patio heater in the hopes of making the best use of a bit of sun and shade. While the gas option had many advantages, I did not see any actual energy savings as the heater was on a very sunny day in the summertime.

most efficient patio heater

Even with a new outdoor heater on the market it was not difficult to figure out why I was paying so much for such a heater. Since it was hot outside the burner on the heater was sitting in the shade and going strong. These are just some of the reasons that make these types of units less efficient. The fact that we are using it more as a kitchen heater rather than a whole house option is another reason that gas heaters are not very energy efficient.

The great part about the electric model is that they also have a better cost savings. With a burner that is smaller than a normal propane burner there is less heat loss which means more heat gain and therefore more efficiency. These units will even run on batteries when on batteries.

Most models that have an electric burner will include a plug on one end for the current they use in being used on the unit and then it can be plugged into the electrical system with the standard plug that you use for your appliances. The units that include both of these options are the most efficient models on the market today. With this type of propane unit you get the benefit of both a smaller burner and cheaper electricity costs, which comes down to about twenty dollars per month for the electric unit.

A good variable temperature grill also is an essential part of making the most efficient patio heater. It will not work for all types of landscapes and climates but it will work for some of them. The grate that is put on the unit can be moved to a different location on the unit so that you can have another type of environment for the fish, birds and animals that live in your yard. These units will keep you from being undercooked in an area where you do not want to be so that you will want to get out and enjoy the season all year long.

The selection of patio heaters that are available is available to fit your specific needs and they do not have to be expensive. If you use your patio heater a lot on those hot summer days then you will want to get a model that can handle high temperatures. Most of the models that will fit your needs will include a thermostat that you can choose to either set the unit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit or use the timer to bring the temperature up to the designated room temperature.

Having the most efficient patio heater will make your summer vacations a bit more comfortable, since you will not have to be concerned about finding an extra camping space. There are many different options out there for you to choose from so you will not have to worry about your finances for a long time to come.